What is the Bible Outlines:

What is the Bible?
It explores the big question of

It explores life’s most complicated questions about

What is the Bible?

It is_________________________________________

It tells us____________________________________

Its human authors were_________________________

The Jewish Bible
It’s called_______________________________________________

“T” stands for__________________________________________

“N” stands for_________________________________________


“K” stands for_________________________________________

Jewish people accept it as________________________________

Jewish people see it as__________________________________

The New Testament and the Second Temple Literature
Its human authors were called____________________

They explore and provide________________________

Provides the spread of the Gospel outside of Israel in__

The early Christians saw it as____________________

What’s in My Bible
If you are Roman Catholic…

If you are Lutheran (or a Christian but not Roman
Catholic) …

How does my “small library” of books produced over a
thousand years by all these different authors tell one
unified story?



Jon: Okay, so we’ve got the TaNaK, the Jewish Scriptures. We’ve got these other Second
Temple period works then the writings of the apostles about Jesus. And that’s a lot
of literature! So what’s in my Bible?
Tim: So the Christian movement has taken different forms over two thousand years, and
from the beginning, all Christians recognized the TaNaK and the New Testament as
Scripture. And for centuries, much of the Second Temple literature was read as part
of the biblical tradition. The Catholic church eventually made it official and called
some of the books from this collection the Deutero-Canonical (Second Canon
whereas the first canon is the OT and NT Scriptures) books. Some Orthodox
churches used even more books from this Second Temple period. And then in the
1500s during the Reformation, Protestant Christians wanted to go back to the


oldest writings of the prophets and apostles, so they accepted only the Old and
New Testaments.
Tim: Yeah, a really diverse group of texts. And these too were highly valued in Jewish communities.
And there was debate from ancient times about whether or not some of these should be
considered part of their Scriptures. Apocrypha – Questions as to their authenticity and to their
contents. Roman Catholics include these books in their Scriptures.

Jon: Okay. I think I got it. But how does a collection of books produced over a thousand
years by all these different authors tell one unified story?
Tim: Yeah. That’s the question we’ll address in our next video.

What is the Bible? Part 2

This divine small library written over a very long period of
time gives us ________________________

It begins by introducing us to the author of

God has the power to bring order and beauty and life

God commissions ‘adam’ (‘humanity’) on God’s behalf to

‘adam’ (‘humanity’) is faced with a choice:


A mysterious creature not belonging to ‘adam’ suggests to
‘adam’ to ____________________________

The result? ‘adam’ redefines and chooses to

God chooses out from Babylon Abraham and Sarah to
begin a new family, a new nation, given a new chance to

It does not go well! Abraham’s family (aka Israel)

God commissions His prophets to warn Israel the choices
they are making will lead them back to where they came
from – ______________________________

God also commissions His prophets to tell Israel He hasn’t
given up – though they have. The prophets include with
their warnings ________________________

The ‘old’ gives way to the ‘new’ – ________

Jesus comes to announce to ‘adam’ that He will – as God in
the flesh – ___________________________

Jesus’ teachings review and repeat the definition of
____________ and that real power is
______________. His examples include

What Jesus is mostly about is doing what ‘adam’ has never
been able to do for himself – ____________
of ‘adam’ having lived by making evil good by Jesus taking
those consequences ___________________.

‘adam’ first stood before the tree with its fruit of the
knowledge of good and evil. Today ‘adam’ stands before
the tree known as ____________________

The new ‘Israel’ knows God’s order and beauty is restored
in their lives by _______________________


Ever since Jesus returned to His throne in heaven, He
reminded the new ‘Israel’ that, until He returns, the old
‘adam’ will be causing ________________

God, knowing following Jesus would be difficult before His
promised return, spoke by His Spirit to apostles to write
letters of ____________________________
to His new ‘Israel’ to keep her ___________

Wow! But what about how each of the Bible’s books
contain different kinds of literature which makes this
incredible story of God’s so unique?

Literary Styles in the Bible

  1. If you don’t pay attention to what style it is written in, you will
    miss out on the ______________ of each book.
  2. Three Main Styles of Literature
    a. Narrative: _ of the Bible
    i. Our brains are hardwired to take in information
    through ___________
    ii. Good stories have a character who
    iii. Good stories explore ___________.
    iv. Good stories involve some kind of
    v. Good stories usually end with some kind of
    vi. Most Bible characters are
    ________ so that we can see

b. Narrative Example: The Parable of the Prodigal/Lost Son
(aka The Parable of the Waiting Father), Luke 15:11-32
i. A character who wants something…

  1. Luke 15:12
  2. Luke 15:28-30
  3. Luke 15:22-24 & Luke 15:31

ii. Life’s big questions…

  1. Luke 15:24,32
  2. Luke 15:28b & Luke 15:28a
  3. Luke 15:21
    iii. Conflict
  4. Luke 15:14
  5. Luke 15:28

iv. Resolution

  1. Luke 15:17
  2. ?
    v. Character flaws
  3. Luke 15:13
  4. Luke 15:28-30